Saturday, November 28, 2009

rain,rain I haven't seen you in a while

Hey bloggers,
Today rain came to visit California, and it reminded me of Utah. This morning when I woke up and heard the rain, it made me think that if the rain stayed and it got super cold we would have snow this winter. But I am just a dreamer. Everything was just wet, the funny thing was it was only 68 degrees. Rain usually doesn't visit me here in sunny California, and I have missed it. When it rains it soothes me like a dance with a tone, a beat, and a pattern. While it soothes me it scares my little dog Lucy. She hates thunder so when it rains she thinks thunder is coming. Rain makes things healthy and green kinda like an apple in someones body making the body healthy but not green. Everything is so green here, but it doesn't rain here as much as Utah, but Utah is not as green as California, it doesn't make sense to me. Well I have to go breakfast is calling me.



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